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Education Archives - Dr. Adam Cox
Blog Archives

Bored with Summer, Starting School

It’s that exciting time of year again – the start of school. I like the feeling of bustle and optimism that a new school year brings. It’s a time for fresh starts, a burst of activity, and for many, an

Posted in Childhood, Early Childhood, Education, Executive Functions, Parenting, Professional Development, Psychology of Youth, School, Sports, Teaching Tagged with: , , , , ,

School Research

The question of school research is always complex given limited time and resources. For me, the priority is to investigate issues of intense interest and consequence. This may be somewhat difficult within a large organization, where research ideas are prompted

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School Districts vs. Empty Political Promises

I’m assuming many are as exhausted by the political season as I am. One thing I am struck by is how easily we are ensnared in political promises, rather than paying attention to the practical advances which may be happening

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Playing Outdoors

It’s become a common theme for adults to grumble about kids not getting outside. And in many cases, it’s true. But rather than complaining, I thought I’d bring your attention to some good examples of school students, and teachers, who

Posted in Childhood, Early Childhood, Education, Play, Teaching, Uncategorized Tagged with: , , , , ,

More Hands on Deck

Here’s an interesting blog I ran across, called “Wisdom of the Hands,” written by woodworker, teacher and author Doug Stowe. Here’s how he describes his topic: “This blog is dedicated to sharing the concept that our hands are essential to

Posted in Boys, Child Psychology, Education, Girls, Parenting, Play, Psychology of Youth, School, Society & Culture, Teaching Tagged with: , , , , , , , , , , ,

Executive Functions in Preschool and Kindergarten

This past week I had an opportunity to present a program at Brick Church School on the Upper East Side of Manhattan. The program was sponsored by the New York State Association of Independent Schools, and teachers from schools in

Posted in Boys, Child Psychology, Early Childhood, Education, Executive Functions, Girls, Professional Development, Psychology of Youth, Social Communication, Teaching Tagged with: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

More Level Playing Field

Really happy to see this article in the New York Times about the United States’ most selective universities – including all the Ivy’s – working together to provide guidance to 9th and 10th grade students about what it takes to

Posted in Adolescence, College, Education, Parenting, Teaching Tagged with: , , , , , , , , , ,

Important Meditation on Space

Readers of this blog know that they can expect perspectives of youth not found elsewhere. I’m really hoping to connect with kindred spirits about topics that can change the lives of kids for the better. Recently, I’ve discovered a book

Posted in Boys, Child Psychology, Childhood, Early Childhood, Education, Girls, Parenting, Play, Psychology of Youth Tagged with: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

How to Reduce Drama, Improve Grades

There is only so much emotion to go around during the course of the school day. If all of it gets invested in grades, relatively less is available for the important stuff, like discussion, debate and sustained attention. So, how

Posted in Adolescence, Communicating with Kids, Education, Executive Functions, Professional Development, School Tagged with: , , , , , , , , ,

Skill is Counterintuitive

For more than a decade new perspectives of skill have been the focus of books on achievement, education, sports, and the arts. Malcom Gladwell’s books are some of the best known examples. Another very useful contribution is Daniel Coyle’s, The

Posted in Adolescence, Child Psychology, Education, Executive Functions, Parenting, Teaching Tagged with: , , , , , , , , , ,