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Childhood Archives - Dr. Adam Cox
Blog Archives

Bored with Summer, Starting School

It’s that exciting time of year again – the start of school. I like the feeling of bustle and optimism that a new school year brings. It’s a time for fresh starts, a burst of activity, and for many, an

Posted in Childhood, Early Childhood, Education, Executive Functions, Parenting, Professional Development, Psychology of Youth, School, Sports, Teaching Tagged with: , , , , ,

The Deep Memories of Childhood

Here’s a nice, meditative piece on how the sounds, smells, and even word associations of childhood can evoke strong memories. Writing for The American Scholar, Brian Doyle asks, “Why do we not sing these things as miracles?”  It is also

Posted in Brain, Childhood, Early Childhood, Parenting, Teaching Tagged with: , , , , , , ,

Playing Outdoors

It’s become a common theme for adults to grumble about kids not getting outside. And in many cases, it’s true. But rather than complaining, I thought I’d bring your attention to some good examples of school students, and teachers, who

Posted in Childhood, Early Childhood, Education, Play, Teaching, Uncategorized Tagged with: , , , , ,

Important Meditation on Space

Readers of this blog know that they can expect perspectives of youth not found elsewhere. I’m really hoping to connect with kindred spirits about topics that can change the lives of kids for the better. Recently, I’ve discovered a book

Posted in Boys, Child Psychology, Childhood, Early Childhood, Education, Girls, Parenting, Play, Psychology of Youth Tagged with: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

The War on Creativity

It shouldn’t be difficult to advocate for the basics. It should be obvious that some learning experiences are so fundamental to human life that they can’t be reasonably excluded from childhood. But in fact it is increasingly awkward to advocate

Posted in Adolescence, Boys, Child Psychology, Childhood, Education, Parenting, Professional Development, Psychology of Youth, School, Society & Culture, Teaching Tagged with: , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Can Nature Really Cure ADHD?

  There is a pernicious myth that being in nature can miraculously cure those affected by ADHD, or more specifically, executive dysfunction. There is something wholesome and positive about this notion. It is based on the belief that the main

Posted in Adolescence, Boys, Brain, Child Psychology, Childhood, Early Childhood, Executive Functions, Parenting, Psychology of Youth, Society & Culture, Teaching Tagged with: , , , , , , , ,

Play is the Work of Children

Play occupies life before work does, and is in ways a primer for work. As cleverly observed by philosopher Alain de Botton, children gravitate toward characters who are “shopkeepers, builders, cooks or farmers – people whose labor can easily be

Posted in Boys, Brain, Child Psychology, Childhood, Early Childhood, Education, Girls, Parenting, Play, Psychology of Youth, Social Communication, Society & Culture Tagged with: , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

“Monstrous Children”

Modern children face an unfortunate fact. For all the love and attention we lavish on them, hardly a soul takes them seriously. Further, despite abundant indulgence and protection provided to middle-class children, in particular, few are given anything significant to

Posted in Child Psychology, Childhood, Communicating with Kids, Early Childhood, Parenting, Psychology of Youth, Social Communication, Society & Culture Tagged with: , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Do Manners Make Kids Dull?

      I came across this thoughtful piece on manners during childhood in The Guardian. Nice analysis of how a person’s socioeconomic class can make manners feel “suffocating.” Do others feel the same? Not sure. I know that I was raised

Posted in Childhood, Parenting Tagged with: , ,