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Counseling & Personal Coaching Services - Dr. Adam Cox

Counseling & Personal Coaching Services

Dr. Cox is available to individuals and families for counseling and coaching. He maintains a private practice in Tiverton, Rhode Island, close to Newport, numerous beaches, and Cape Cod. Primarily he works with children, adolescents, and their families. He also sees adults for individual psychotherapy and coaching.

Child and Adolescent Services, ages 3 and up

Clinical services provide support for academic, behavioral and developmental issues in children and adolescents. Some of the concerns addressed include learning and attention problems (ADHD), executive dysfunction, nonverbal learning disabilities, and social skills development. Many young clients are struggling with self-control challenges, limited self-confidence, social anxiety, or oppositionality at home. In addition, Dr. Cox consults with older teens and young adults about existential issues such as motivation, authenticity, relationships, and finding a sense of purpose in vocation.

Consultation is offered for parents and schools, with an child therapyemphasis on practical strategies that result in immediate measurable improvement in the cognitive capabilities and emotional adjustment of children and teens. Some areas of consultation include appropriate grade and school placement, effective communication with school administration, appropriate supports for learning challenges and differences, and collaboration with other academic advisors, learning support, or recovery programs

Family, Couples and Individual Therapy

Depression, stress and anxiety, marital problems, family relationships, and parenting are some of the problems that can be addressed in therapy. Dr. Cox has a particular interest in helping couples to improve their communication. In the interest of helping couples, he has specialized in creating a therapeutic environment that is comfortable and effective for both men and women for over a decade. His approach is focused on straight-forward, honest communication, and the achievement of significant goals.

Brief Therapy and ConsultationRhode Island therapy

Families traveling to Rhode Island may decide to schedule an in-depth evaluation, which will be accompanied by suggestions for strategic intervention. Whenever possible, we will do our best to help you find suitable accommodations. Almost every visitor to scenic Tiverton, Little Compton, and the Sakonnet region is enchanted by its quaint New England atmosphere, and all the area has to offer with respect to recreation, culture and natural attractions.

Dr. Cox also provides Professional Coaching to a small number of private clients. Life CoachingCoaching differs from psychotherapy in both scope and form. The relationship of coach-client is not doctor-patient or teacher-student. Coaching is well suited to clients who are prepared to have a series of discussions about a large theme or important life situation. For many, coaching provides a valuable structure in which to
focus goals, develop a viable plan of action, and discuss results honestly. All coaching is conducted by telephone or Skype at times of mutual


Parent Coaching

Parent Coaching:  Unlike many parenting coaches, Dr. Cox brings over twenty years of clinical experience with children, adolescents and families to your coaching session. So although consultation is not psychotherapy, he will be able to contextualize your situation and concerns with those of the many clients he has worked with in the past, and will have a professionally informed rationale for any suggestions that he makes. In addition, as a consultant to schools, educational organizations, and healthcare organizations, Dr. Cox has a broad range of professional experience to draw upon, in order to understand situations that are complex and challenging. To get a sense of his communication style, you can see his videos here. (Of course, a coach doesn’t just talk, but listens carefully to what you have to say, to provide specific, strategic feedback to your queries.)

Although you can find a lot of information by reading his books, newsletter, and blog, a personal consultation gives you the opportunity to discuss your unique situation, and develop a positive strategy for moving forward with accountability, clarity, and a positive connection.

Some of the parenting issues/concerns that might be addressed in a coaching session:

School Selection/Adjustment to Boarding School or College

Sometimes it is helpful to discuss school selection concerns with a neutral party. As a consultant to hundreds of independent schools, Dr. Cox has worked with their faculty, administration and counseling staffs, and is familiar with the issues and concerns of residential schools. In addition, sometimes parents whose children are experiencing problems at school benefit from an outside perspective, to help determine if the reports received at home warrant concern and intervention, or should be handled by other methods.

Peer Relations/Bullying

If your child is having difficulty handling peer relations, Dr. Cox can help you decide whether or not to intervene, and develop a sensible plan of action. Sometimes, a change in school can be considered. At other times, learning how to coach your child in more effective communication may be helpful.

Lack of Motivation/Achievement

For many young people, lack of motivation and achievement is not due to lack of intrinsic ability, but more of an “existential” crisis – a lack of faith in the meaning or purpose of school. For other students, there are genuine learning roadblocks. Still others are experiencing personal resistance to authority. For parents, it can be difficult to sort out “which is which,” and consultation with a coach can help put matters into perspective.

Family Communication/Respect

If your family communication involves anger, confusion, or disrespect, you may find coaching valuable in finding a way to more effectively express your needs and opinions, without having to repeat yourself endlessly, engage in verbal battles, or “referee” among other family members. Often, parents find communicating with a child of the opposite gender to be challenging, and can benefit from constructive insight about communication techniques that improve understanding and empathy.

Dramatic Talk/Adolescent Anxiety

Parenting pre-teens and adolescents can be challenging. Should parents be concerned about language or behaviors that are provoking, inconsistent, or dramatic? Consultation can help clarify situations that are part of the normal “bumps on the road” of development, and situations that warrant more concern.

School Readiness/School Refusal/Separation Anxiety

Do you have trouble getting your child to school in the morning? Are you wondering if your child is old enough for school, or should be held back for another year? Is your older child skipping classes, or dropping out of college? Maintaining a sense of calm during transitional periods can be achieved through good communication and a solid plan of action.

Organizational Challenges/Time Management

Does your child have challenges with organization and time management? Are you wondering if your expectations are reasonable, and if so, how you can work collaboratively with your child to create systems that support learning, optimism, and self-directed achievement? Consultation with Dr. Cox may help you to determine what sorts of supports might be most helpful for your child, and what interventions are counter-productive.

Understanding the Range of Treatment Options

For parents seeking help for their child, two general rules apply: 1) First, do no harm, and 2) Start from a position of the least intrusive, most positive intervention. Sometimes, family situations can be so confusing, it’s unclear whether a family meeting and a good talk will clear things up, or if a child might benefit from a change in school, therapy, academic tutoring, or a positive activity. Understanding what parents, professionals, organized activities, and schools can and cannot accomplish for your child can be enlightening.

Addiction to Electronics/Social Media

Have you lost your child in a haze of “e-tainment”? How much is too much? What kinds of electronic games are age appropriate, and what expectations should reasonable parents have for schoolwork, homework, family communication, and relaxation? How should parents discuss the use of social media and gaming with their children or adolescents? What do you do if your child is being harassed on social media, or is a perpetrator?

Coaching for Adults

Career Questions

Are you finding your work to be emotionally rewarding? Do you have the support you need at work to do your best? Are you considering starting a new job or business? Are you overworked in your present position, or need help negotiating a raise? Are you thinking of going back to school, or pursuing professional education? Sometimes, consultation with a neutral adult, who is not a family member or colleague, can provide needed perspective.

Relationships and Communication

Are you “stuck” in a relationship, whether personal or professional, that is unproductive or unsatisfying? Having an opportunity to speak honestly and openly with another about your perceptions, and develop a plan to mitigate the situation, can be helpful. Sometimes, we wish to do something, but the added accountability of a coaching relationship helps us to keep our commitments. It’s also helpful to get another opinion about whether expectations of others are reasonable, and if so, develop a plan to improve communication and the quality of the relationship, even if this means changing it.


Do you have a goal that keeps getting put on the back burner, because of procrastination or other obligations? Investing in a series of coaching sessions can help keep you on track, whether it’s applying to colleges or a new job, finishing a dissertation or creative project, or reaching a fitness goal.


Coaching Fees:

My coaching fees are as follows:

$250, initial 1-hour session (will include review of psychological testing or previous academic evaluation).

$150/hour subsequent sessions/individual; $200 couples.

Shorter sessions, following the initial coaching session can be scheduled, and are charged on a pro-rata basis to the nearest 15 minutes. Late cancellations will be charged in full, as we have reserved that time for your call.

Coaching can be accomplished by telephone, Skype, or, in certain circumstances, email.

If you’d like to schedule a coaching call, please call (401) 816-5900, or use our contact form.  We’ll ask you to return a signed coaching form and payment before your first session.

Adolescent Therapy, Tiverton RI