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I’ve recently written a newsletter article about “unplugging” from electronica, after my own experiment in going without television or internet. If this is a topic of interest to you, please sign up for the newsletter, so you’ll get this most

Posted in Uncategorized

Some Students and Teachers Prefer Quiet

Michael Godsey’s recent article, “Why Introverted Teachers are Burning Out,“ included a link to a study on Giftedness and Introversion by Jill D. Burruss and Lisa Kaenzig, from the College of William and Mary Center for Gifted Education. The study

Posted in Boys, Child Psychology, Communicating with Kids, Psychology of Youth, School, Teaching, Uncategorized Tagged with: , , , , , , , , ,

Playing Outdoors

It’s become a common theme for adults to grumble about kids not getting outside. And in many cases, it’s true. But rather than complaining, I thought I’d bring your attention to some good examples of school students, and teachers, who

Posted in Childhood, Early Childhood, Education, Play, Teaching, Uncategorized Tagged with: , , , , ,

If Games are so Interesting, Why are Players so Dull?

Games are intensely interesting to people, especially boys, and young to middle-aged women who are the primary players of phone games. It seems absurd to argue this point as the evidence speaks for itself. Why would so many play if

Posted in Adolescence, Boys, Brain, Child Psychology, Play, Uncategorized Tagged with: , , , , , , ,

Psychotherapy and the Responsible Life

  Is there a moral imperative to be in psychotherapy? It seems like an outrageous assertion, and believe me I know it might sound incredibly self-serving. I have to admit I would have found this assertion absurd just a few

Posted in Psychotherapy, Uncategorized Tagged with: , , , , ,

Relationship and Relevance Win Every Time!

  It’s that time of the year when psychologists like myself are doing end of the year, academic consultations at schools. The focus is on trying to summarize the progress of the current school year, and set goals for the

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