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Adolescence Archives - Dr. Adam Cox
Blog Archives

If Games are so Interesting, Why are Players so Dull?

Games are intensely interesting to people, especially boys, and young to middle-aged women who are the primary players of phone games. It seems absurd to argue this point as the evidence speaks for itself. Why would so many play if

Posted in Adolescence, Boys, Brain, Child Psychology, Play, Uncategorized Tagged with: , , , , , , ,

More Level Playing Field

Really happy to see this article in the New York Times about the United States’ most selective universities – including all the Ivy’s – working together to provide guidance to 9th and 10th grade students about what it takes to

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How to Talk to Boys

Okay, so the first thing to know about getting a great conversation going is that communication has two parts: form and content. Most everybody pays mega attention to the content, while neglecting form. The content is what you are talking

Posted in Adolescence, Boys, Child Psychology, Communicating with Kids, Parenting, Social Communication, Teaching Tagged with: , , , , , , , , , , ,

How to Reduce Drama, Improve Grades

There is only so much emotion to go around during the course of the school day. If all of it gets invested in grades, relatively less is available for the important stuff, like discussion, debate and sustained attention. So, how

Posted in Adolescence, Communicating with Kids, Education, Executive Functions, Professional Development, School Tagged with: , , , , , , , , ,

College Admissions Drama 101

If I were a high school junior or senior, I’d throw in the towel. How many opposing perspectives do we expect kids to comprehend when it comes to college admissions? Many, if not most teens, are subject to years of

Posted in Adolescence, College, Communicating with Kids, Parenting, Psychology of Youth, School Tagged with: , , , , , , , , , ,

Skill is Counterintuitive

For more than a decade new perspectives of skill have been the focus of books on achievement, education, sports, and the arts. Malcom Gladwell’s books are some of the best known examples. Another very useful contribution is Daniel Coyle’s, The

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Failure to Launch

Speaking of boys and young men, is there any social epidemic which frustrates families more than a failure to launch? And with good reason. How frustrating to raise and educate a child who then lacks the interest and momentum to

Posted in Adolescence, Boys, Child Psychology, College, Parenting, Psychology of Youth, Social Communication, Society & Culture Tagged with: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

What Do I Tell My Son about Tom Brady?

Like all New Englanders I currently feel under siege. The hate for the New England Patriots, Bill Belichick and Tom Brady is at epic levels. Of course this has been going on for years. People are bored with the Patriots’

Posted in Adolescence, Boys, Child Psychology, Communicating with Kids, Parenting, Psychology of Youth, Society & Culture, Sports Tagged with: , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Our Weird, Loopy Understanding of Gaming Addiction

  Our era is largely defined by fascination with games. All kinds of games. Sports enjoy high status as entertainment. The vast majority have multiple games on handheld devices, and boys crave time on gaming platforms or laptops which can

Posted in Adolescence, Boys, Brain, College, Psychology of Youth, Society & Culture, Teaching Tagged with: , , , , , , , , , , ,

Searching for Authenticity

For two decades I’ve been wrestling with the challenges of youth, trying to address the most pressing issues in constructive and novel ways. The landscape of child and adolescent psychology is not flat. Specifically, not all issues or challenges are

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