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Brain Archives - Dr. Adam Cox
Blog Archives

No Mind Left Behind to be Translated into Chinese

I was happy to learn that my book, No Mind Left Behind:  Understanding and Fostering Executive Control – The Eight Essential Brain Skills Every Child Needs to Thrive will be translated into Chinese. This is a great opportunity to reach

Posted in Boys, Brain, Executive Functions, Teaching Tagged with: , , , , ,

The Deep Memories of Childhood

Here’s a nice, meditative piece on how the sounds, smells, and even word associations of childhood can evoke strong memories. Writing for The American Scholar, Brian Doyle asks, “Why do we not sing these things as miracles?”  It is also

Posted in Brain, Childhood, Early Childhood, Parenting, Teaching Tagged with: , , , , , , ,

If Games are so Interesting, Why are Players so Dull?

Games are intensely interesting to people, especially boys, and young to middle-aged women who are the primary players of phone games. It seems absurd to argue this point as the evidence speaks for itself. Why would so many play if

Posted in Adolescence, Boys, Brain, Child Psychology, Play, Uncategorized Tagged with: , , , , , , ,

Big Sky Thinking

Spent last week visiting the Lake Pend Oreille School District near Sand Point Idaho. It was my first time in this part of the country, and what a pleasure. So great to roll out ideas on executive functions for this

Posted in Brain, Child Psychology, Executive Functions, Professional Development, School Tagged with: , , ,

Our Weird, Loopy Understanding of Gaming Addiction

  Our era is largely defined by fascination with games. All kinds of games. Sports enjoy high status as entertainment. The vast majority have multiple games on handheld devices, and boys crave time on gaming platforms or laptops which can

Posted in Adolescence, Boys, Brain, College, Psychology of Youth, Society & Culture, Teaching Tagged with: , , , , , , , , , , ,

Searching for Authenticity

For two decades I’ve been wrestling with the challenges of youth, trying to address the most pressing issues in constructive and novel ways. The landscape of child and adolescent psychology is not flat. Specifically, not all issues or challenges are

Posted in Adolescence, Brain, College, Parenting, Psychology of Youth, Society & Culture Tagged with: , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Can Nature Really Cure ADHD?

  There is a pernicious myth that being in nature can miraculously cure those affected by ADHD, or more specifically, executive dysfunction. There is something wholesome and positive about this notion. It is based on the belief that the main

Posted in Adolescence, Boys, Brain, Child Psychology, Childhood, Early Childhood, Executive Functions, Parenting, Psychology of Youth, Society & Culture, Teaching Tagged with: , , , , , , , ,

Play is the Work of Children

Play occupies life before work does, and is in ways a primer for work. As cleverly observed by philosopher Alain de Botton, children gravitate toward characters who are “shopkeepers, builders, cooks or farmers – people whose labor can easily be

Posted in Boys, Brain, Child Psychology, Childhood, Early Childhood, Education, Girls, Parenting, Play, Psychology of Youth, Social Communication, Society & Culture Tagged with: , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,