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Social Communication Archives - Dr. Adam Cox
Blog Archives

New Videos on Focus and Listening

I have uploaded two new videos to my Video Archive. The first video discusses Improving Focus and  the “ecology of attention,” highlighting how attention is much more social than most of us realize. The second video addresses Listening without Looking

Posted in Boys, Child Psychology, Communicating with Kids, Executive Functions, Parenting, Psychology of Youth, Social Communication Tagged with: , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Executive Functions in Preschool and Kindergarten

This past week I had an opportunity to present a program at Brick Church School on the Upper East Side of Manhattan. The program was sponsored by the New York State Association of Independent Schools, and teachers from schools in

Posted in Boys, Child Psychology, Early Childhood, Education, Executive Functions, Girls, Professional Development, Psychology of Youth, Social Communication, Teaching Tagged with: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

How to Talk to Boys

Okay, so the first thing to know about getting a great conversation going is that communication has two parts: form and content. Most everybody pays mega attention to the content, while neglecting form. The content is what you are talking

Posted in Adolescence, Boys, Child Psychology, Communicating with Kids, Parenting, Social Communication, Teaching Tagged with: , , , , , , , , , , ,

Failure to Launch

Speaking of boys and young men, is there any social epidemic which frustrates families more than a failure to launch? And with good reason. How frustrating to raise and educate a child who then lacks the interest and momentum to

Posted in Adolescence, Boys, Child Psychology, College, Parenting, Psychology of Youth, Social Communication, Society & Culture Tagged with: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Stop the Dull, Preachy Assemblies on Bullying

Could any truth be more apparent than the fact that school assemblies on bullying have reached epidemic levels of boring? Kids complain about this to me all the time. Unfortunately, school organizers seem the last to know. The assemblies make

Posted in Adolescence, Boys, Communicating with Kids, Education, Girls, Parenting, Professional Development, Psychology of Youth, School, Social Communication, Society & Culture, Teaching Tagged with: , , , , , , , ,

Play is the Work of Children

Play occupies life before work does, and is in ways a primer for work. As cleverly observed by philosopher Alain de Botton, children gravitate toward characters who are “shopkeepers, builders, cooks or farmers – people whose labor can easily be

Posted in Boys, Brain, Child Psychology, Childhood, Early Childhood, Education, Girls, Parenting, Play, Psychology of Youth, Social Communication, Society & Culture Tagged with: , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

“Monstrous Children”

Modern children face an unfortunate fact. For all the love and attention we lavish on them, hardly a soul takes them seriously. Further, despite abundant indulgence and protection provided to middle-class children, in particular, few are given anything significant to

Posted in Child Psychology, Childhood, Communicating with Kids, Early Childhood, Parenting, Psychology of Youth, Social Communication, Society & Culture Tagged with: , , , , , , , , , , , ,

All Social Contact Is Not Created Equal

Would most people agree that social contact is rapidly increasing? I believe so. But most would also agree that our understanding of what social contact means has broadened to include all forms of electronic contact. In fact, most social contact

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